About Greater Kingston Chorus

Greater Kingston Chorus (GKC) is a dynamic group of women who sing four-part harmony in the a cappella style. We are always looking for new members.  Please help us grow our sound!!  Self-taught singers, music graduates and anyone in between are all invited to check us out - Qualification:  A Love of Singing!  
Our Co-directors are Andria Coward and Susan Marriott who work together to teach us musical skills and a diverse repertoire of music.   Reading music is not necessary as we have various tools to assist members in the learning process including time at rehearsals,  mentors and audio learning tracks. With four-part harmony, you'll have the opportunity to explore your vocal potential. We provide the tools to help singers contribute their talents to the ensemble. The common bond amongst our members is our passion for singing harmony.  

We welcome potential new members and interested guests at every rehearsal.  We rehearse every Tuesday evening from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Fellowship Hall at Polson Park Free Methodist Church, 5 Miles Avenue, Kingston.  Our rehearsals run from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.  Interested members are welcome to show up any Tuesday evening to check us out or can find out more by contacting membership@greaterkingstonchorus.ca

We enjoy sharing our joyful sounds at performances in the community.  We love singing at community and corporate events and private parties.  We host one or two concerts each year and compete in the Regional competition of Sweet Adelines International every spring.  For us music is a creative outlet that allows us to express ourselves and share our joy with our audiences.  

This is what some of our members have to say:

“The music brought us together but the friendships keep us together.  I feel like I am part of a community”.

 “I never imagined when I went to my first rehearsal that I would find such joy - when I listened and watched I knew I had found my thing”
“I joined when I first moved to Kingston and I am so happy that I did. There is a sense of belonging within GKC that ignites my soul”

“With work and family I feel like I’m running all the time.  I knew I needed to do something JUST FOR ME!   All the day’s stresses disappear when I step on those risers and start to sing”

“It goes beyond the singing for me.  I have found friendships and a social outlet too.  We have lots of fun together.”

“When i became an empty nester,  I was looking for something to fill the void.  What I found was this welcoming group of women who made me feel relaxed and respected.  I am so glad I found this group - it has changed my life”
If you love to sing, we’d love to see you!

Our mission is:  Diverse women creating harmony through a cappella singing

Our Core values are:  Joy, Advancement, Respect

Copyright © 2025 Greater Kingston Chorus